Welcome to Hearts for Animals Inc , we are busy with kittens and puppies this Summer season, Please help us to help the animals in our care, please make a donation to our Hearts for Animals Gift Fund BSB 062 632 Account number 10063610, all donations over $2 are Tax Deductible. Please sent us your details when you have made a donation so we can send you a receipt. Or use the donate button below or The Give Easy Button to the right of this page. Thank you from all the animals in care.
COME TO OUR CHARITY SHOPS Please come to our Book & Curio Shop at 187 Main Street, Lithgow for a huge array of new and used books, with Crime, Thrillers, Fantasy, Aust, Bio's, New Age, Gardening, Sports, Romance,Craft and Cooking etc and many interesting Curios, right next store at 189 Main Street is our Dress Shop with masses of used clothing, Ladies, Gents, Childrens,New Hand knits, bags, shoes etc Our Hours are: Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm at 178-189 Main st, Lithgow.